Rick and Randy Mac (in for John) get an early weekend prep with the 5 at 10.
They kick off the show with an update from the Rick busted truck situation and how Wade Ford was cool, but was not quick to offer another loaner car (we don’t blame them at all). Ricks wife is now searching for her a new car, so Rick gets the used ride, she gets a new one (again, we don’t blame her).
To the 5 at 10: kicking off with the Falcons and preparing for the Seahawks this weekend. They have been in Washington all week and the prep is going great, according to Matt Ryan. Randy thinks Seattle is a good team, but Falcons match up better. More NFL and TNF talk previewing the Broncos and Chargers. More QB news from the NFL. They pivot to the MLB and the NLDS Continues tonight with the Dodgers and Nats. Finally, Hockey. Yes, we talk hockey (for a min).
Click below to hear today’s 5 at 10